Are there any restrictions or covenants on the property?

By Homey

6 Aug 2024

By thoroughly investigating legal constraints, you can make an informed decision and avoid potential issues.

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When purchasing a property, it’s not just about finding the perfect home; it's also crucial to understand any restrictions or covenants that might affect your ownership. These restrictions can significantly influence how you use and enjoy your property, and failing to acknowledge them can lead to unexpected complications. So, what exactly are property restrictions and covenants, and how can you find out if they apply to your potential new home?

What Are Property Restrictions and Covenants?

Restrictions and covenants are legal terms that pertain to limitations placed on how a property can be used or altered. They can be imposed by various entities, such as previous owners, local authorities, or developers. Here’s a breakdown of each:


Restrictions are legal limitations or prohibitions imposed on the property that can affect how you use or develop it. These can include:

  • Planning Restrictions: Local planning authorities might impose restrictions on property developments to preserve the character of a neighbourhood or manage traffic flow. For instance, you might need planning permission to extend your home or change its use.

  • Building Regulations: These are standards set by local councils to ensure that any construction work meets safety and quality standards. Compliance with building regulations is mandatory for any major alterations or new constructions.

  • Land Use Restrictions: Certain areas might be designated for specific uses, such as residential, commercial, or industrial. If a property is in a zone with specific land use restrictions, it might limit how you can use the property.


Covenants are promises or agreements that can either be positive (requiring you to do something) or negative (preventing you from doing something). They often originate from historical property agreements or deeds and can include:

  • Restrictive Covenants: These are rules that prevent you from carrying out specific activities on your property. For example, you might be restricted from making certain changes to the property’s exterior, running a business from home, or keeping livestock.

  • Positive Covenants: These require you to perform certain actions, such as maintaining a shared boundary fence or contributing to the upkeep of communal areas in a housing estate.

  • Easements: An easement is a right granted to others to use part of your property for a specific purpose, such as accessing a shared driveway or utilities. While not a restriction per se, easements can impact your use of the property.

How to Find Out About Restrictions and Covenants

Before finalising the purchase of a property, it's essential to investigate any restrictions or covenants that may apply. Here’s how you can uncover them:

Review the Title Deeds

The title deeds to the property, which you can obtain from the Land Registry, should detail any restrictions or covenants. Look for any documents that list these conditions. Your solicitor or conveyancer will usually review these documents as part of the property-buying process.

Check Local Authority Records

Contact the local council or planning authority to check for any planning restrictions or land use designations that might apply to the property. They can provide information about zoning laws and any planning applications or decisions that might affect the property.

Consult Your Solicitor or Conveyancer

Your solicitor or conveyancer plays a crucial role in identifying and interpreting any restrictions or covenants. They can advise you on the implications of these conditions and ensure that you fully understand them before you proceed with the purchase.

Examine Historical Property Agreements

For properties in established developments or estates, there might be historical agreements or conditions attached to the property. Reviewing any associated documentation or contacting the developer or managing agent can provide insights into these conditions.

The Impact of Restrictions and Covenants

Understanding restrictions and covenants is vital because they can affect:

  • Property Value: Some restrictions or covenants can impact the desirability of the property and, consequently, its market value. Buyers might be deterred by limitations on property use or modifications.

  • Renovation Plans: If you plan to renovate or extend the property, any existing restrictions or covenants might limit your ability to do so. Always check these before making any plans.

  • Daily Use: Restrictions on land use or property modifications can influence how you enjoy your home. For instance, if there’s a covenant preventing you from keeping a pet, it might impact your living situation.


When buying a property, it’s essential to be aware of any restrictions or covenants that might affect your enjoyment and use of the home. By thoroughly investigating these legal constraints, you can make an informed decision and avoid potential issues down the line. Working with a knowledgeable solicitor or conveyancer and conducting comprehensive research will ensure that your new home is everything you’ve hoped for, without any unwelcome surprises

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