Is the property connected to mains services (water, electricity, gas, sewage)?

By Homey

8 Aug 2024

Checking whether a property is connected to mains services is a vital step in the buying process.

Checking the electricity

When buying a property, it's crucial to ensure that it's connected to mains services like water, electricity, gas, and sewage. Understanding the connection status of these utilities can save you from unexpected costs and ensure that the property meets your living standards. Here’s a guide to help you determine if a property is connected to mains services and why it matters.

What Are Mains Services?

  • Water: Mains water supply is the system through which water is provided to properties via a network of pipes. It’s essential for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and sanitation.

  • Electricity: The mains electricity supply provides power to your home for lighting, heating, and operating electrical appliances.

  • Gas: Mains gas is used for heating, cooking, and hot water. It’s supplied through a network of gas pipelines.

  • Sewage: Mains sewage involves a system of pipes that carry waste water and sewage away from your property to a treatment facility.

Why It’s Important to Check Connections

  • Convenience and Functionality: Being connected to mains services ensures that your property will have a reliable supply of water, electricity, gas, and sewage disposal. This is fundamental for daily living and maintaining a comfortable home environment.

  • Cost Implications: If a property isn’t connected to mains services, you might need to arrange for these connections, which can be costly and time-consuming. For example, installing a new water supply or gas connection can involve significant expense.

  • Property Value and Marketability: Properties connected to mains services are generally more attractive to buyers and are likely to be valued higher. Lack of access to mains services can deter potential buyers and impact the property’s market value.

  • Legal and Safety Considerations: Ensuring a property is connected to mains services can have legal and safety implications. For instance, unconnected properties might rely on alternative systems like septic tanks or oil heating, which come with their own set of regulations and maintenance requirements.

How to Check if a Property is Connected

  • Ask the Seller or Estate Agent: When viewing a property, ask the seller or estate agent for information about the connections to mains services. They should be able to provide details or direct you to the relevant utility providers.

  • Review Property Details: Check the property’s details in the sale brochure or listing, which often includes information about utilities and services.

  • Contact Utility Providers: For verification, you can contact local utility providers directly. They can confirm if the property is connected to mains services and provide details about the current supply.

  • Inspect the Property: During a property survey or inspection, you can look for signs of connections, such as water meters, electric meters, gas meters, and drainage systems. A professional surveyor can also confirm whether the property is connected to mains services and assess their condition.

  • Check with Local Authorities: Local council or planning authorities can sometimes provide information about the property’s connection to mains services and any related requirements or regulations.

What If the Property Isn’t Connected?

If you discover that a property isn’t connected to mains services, here’s what you need to consider:

  • Costs and Installation: Investigate the costs of connecting to mains services. This might involve fees for installation, inspection, and any necessary infrastructure.

  • Alternative Solutions: Consider alternative solutions if mains connections aren’t feasible. For instance, properties might use private wells, septic tanks, or alternative heating systems, each with its own maintenance requirements.

  • Regulations and Compliance: Ensure that any alternative systems comply with local regulations and health standards.

  • Negotiate with the Seller: If the property isn’t connected to mains services, you might negotiate with the seller for a price reduction to cover the cost of installation or improvements.


Checking whether a property is connected to mains services is a vital step in the buying process. It impacts your daily living, financial planning, and overall enjoyment of your new home. By confirming these connections, you can avoid surprises and ensure that your new property meets all your needs. If you’re unsure about any aspect of the property’s utilities, seeking advice from professionals or utility providers can provide clarity and help you make an informed decision.

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