What if my offer is rejected or there are multiple offers?

By Homey

13 Aug 2024

The property market is dynamic and competitive, but with persistence, and a bit of creative thinking, you can increase your chances of securing your dream home.

Offer is rejected

Navigating the property market can be a thrilling yet nerve-wracking experience. When you finally find that perfect home, making an offer is both exciting and daunting. But what happens if your offer is rejected or, even more challenging, if you're in competition with other prospective buyers? Let’s break down the scenarios and what you can do to improve your chances and handle rejections with grace.

The Reality of Offer Rejection

Rejection in the property market is as common as a rainy day in the UK. If your offer is turned down, it doesn’t necessarily reflect negatively on you. Sellers have a myriad of reasons for rejecting offers, from simply holding out for a better price to having personal preferences. Here’s what you can do if your offer gets rejected:

Seek Feedback

If your offer is rejected, don’t be afraid to ask the estate agent for feedback. Understanding why your offer wasn’t accepted can provide valuable insights and help you refine your approach for future bids. Maybe your offer was too low, or perhaps the seller preferred another aspect of the competing offers.

Reassess Your Offer

Take some time to reassess your offer. If you’re still interested in the property, consider if you can improve your bid. Increasing your offer might make it more appealing to the seller, but ensure that it’s within your financial comfort zone. Sometimes, it’s not just about the price – flexibility on the completion date or being in a better position to proceed quickly can also be attractive to sellers.

Be Prepared to Move On

If your offer isn’t accepted, it’s important to keep a positive mindset. The property market is vast, and there are plenty of other potential homes waiting for you. Take rejection in stride and continue your search with enthusiasm. The right home for you is out there; it’s just a matter of time and perseverance.

Navigating Multiple Offers

In a competitive property market, multiple offers on a property can create a high-stakes game. When several buyers are vying for the same home, it’s crucial to stand out from the crowd. Here’s how you can enhance your chances in a bidding war:

Make a Strong Initial Offer

If you’re aware of multiple offers, submit your best offer from the start. A competitive initial offer demonstrates seriousness and can deter other buyers from trying to outbid you. However, ensure that your offer is realistic and within your budget.

Demonstrate Your Commitment

Sellers are often looking for more than just the highest offer. Demonstrating your commitment to the purchase can be a game-changer. If you’re a cash buyer or have a mortgage agreement in principle, highlight this in your offer. Sellers are more likely to favour buyers who can proceed quickly and smoothly.

Personal Touch

Sometimes, a personal touch can make a significant difference. Writing a heartfelt letter to the seller about why you love their home and how you envision living there can create a connection that sets you apart. While it might seem sentimental, sellers may be swayed by buyers who show genuine affection for their property.

Be Flexible

If the seller has specific needs, such as a preferred completion date, being flexible can work in your favour. Sometimes, accommodating the seller’s timeline or other conditions can make your offer more attractive compared to higher bids that might not align with their needs.

What If I’m Outbid?

If you find yourself outbid, there are still a few options to consider:

Keep in Touch

If you’re set on a particular property, let the estate agent know you’re still interested. Sometimes, deals fall through, and the property might come back on the market. Keeping in touch can put you in a prime position if the opportunity arises.

Refine Your Search

Being outbid can be disheartening, but it can also be an opportunity to refine your search. Reevaluate your needs and budget, and consider adjusting your criteria. There might be other properties that fit your requirements and offer better value.


Whether your offer is rejected or you find yourself in a bidding war, handling the situation with a clear head and strategic approach can make all the difference. The property market is dynamic and competitive, but with persistence, flexibility, and a bit of creative thinking, you can increase your chances of securing your dream home. So, stay optimistic, adapt as needed, and remember that each step in the process brings you closer to finding the perfect place to call home.

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